Saturday, April 10, 2010
The End of the Road
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
What Health Reform Means for AIDS
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
"The First Step Toward Change is Awareness. The Second Step is Acceptance." -Dr. Nathaniel Branden
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Russia for the Gold
Over the decades since HIV/AIDS was first discovered, it has changed hands as too what groups become the largest group of newly infected or most at risk. In America and most of the Western world we have seen that gay's are the most affected. However while areas like the Western countries and Sub Saharan Africa which are taking steps to prevent and reduce newly infected rates, Eastern Europe and Central Asia are taking the lead. Unlike America where the highest rate is passed MSM (men having sex with men), Russia's transmission acounts almost solely from Injecting drug users and women who have sex with those drug users. According to, 90% of Eastern Europe's new infections come from Russia and Ukraine alone. In 2007, 65% of newly infected cases were from male drug injectors. 83% of all of the people who know their infection history account for transmission through sharing needles. In 2007, 44% of newly infected women recieved the virus through having sex with men who were HIV positive through drug use with another 35% infected directly through drug use.
Reference List:
-Web: HIV and AIDS in Russia Eastern Europe & Central Asia. Updated 3/11/10. Retrieved 3/24/10 from
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
AZT, synonomous with Cancer?
Did You Know...??
On December 18Th, 2009, Zidovudine or otherwise known as AZT was added to the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment list of environmental toxins known to cause cancer and reproductive toxicity. In the process of stopping the integral process of the HIV virus into the host DNA, the medicine causes irreversible damage to the host DNA and mitochondria responsible for cell division. You must also keep in mind that cancer is defined as uncontrolled cell division. According to the official website: AZT causes Cancer, "more HIV positive women in South Africa (where widespread use of AZT occurs) are giving birth to brain- damaged children. Sometimes it shows up years after birth in the form of developmental disabilities." Although AZT remains the most common drug to treat HIV/AIDS, no maximum dosage of toxicity has been warranted.
Reference List:
-Web: AZT Causes Cancer. Feb 27, 2010. Heal London. Retrieved 3/16/10 from,
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
If con is the opposite of pro, then is Congress the opposite of Progress?
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Mid Semester
Did You Know... About False Positives??
We already know that it is possible for people within the window period to test negative when actually being positive for HIV, it is also possible for the reverse. The common screening test, ELISA works by targeting certain anitbodies and then yeilding a positive if the target is found. However, the body can sometimes has different antibodies that trick the test, yeilding a positive when in fact the person is negative. These can include antibodies in instances of tuberculosis, malaria, and rheumatoid arthritis (cross- reactivity with other retroviruses). Other can include contamination at the lab, pregnancy, or a history of drug use. The chances of this happening are minimal: 1-5 per 100,000 assays. Should a person test positive, a Western Blot test should immediatly be taken to ensure the positive is in fact positive. This test works mainly as a confirmation test that specifically targets the HIV virus.
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Freddie Mercury
Lead vocalist of the rock band Queen. Died on November 24, 1991 by AIDS related bronchopneumonia just 24 hrs. after the public disclosure of his status.
Arthur Ashe
First and only African American to win the Wimbledon's men singles to date, and one of two African American men to win the Grand Slams Title. Ashe contracted HIV through blood transfusions recieved during heart surgery and later died on February 6, 1993 from AIDS related toxoplasmosis.
Reference List:
1. Jones, Liz. Causes of a False Positive. eHow. retrieved March 3, 2010 from,
2. Arthur Ashe. Retrieved March 3, 2010
3. Photo: Biographicon. Retrieved March 3, 2010 from,
4. Freddie Mercury Biography. Retrieved March 3, 2010 from
5. Photo: Style Inspiraion: Mr. Mercury. Retrieved March 3, 2010 from :
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
On another note, I finally got around to watching Common Threads yesterday in the library. I had already previously rented Silverlake Life and ended up crying at the end as I'm sure most people do. What I enjoyed so much about Common Threads is that it tries to break the notion that HIV/AIDS is restricted to homosexuals. Instead, it evokes stories of all those affected, both gay, hemophiliacs, and drug users alike. Overall, the emotions that I felt from watching this movie wasn't just sadness, but anger. Much of the footage is from the 80's, the time when AIDS was just being discovered. During this time, people were unbelievably discriminated against; houses were being burned down, people were being mugged and killed, and the Reagan administration didn't even address AIDS until after thousands had died. On top of that, the administration was against sex education despite the need to inform children about AIDS based on the fact he may advocating sex. He should have been worried about saving lives.
But to now get to the point of the title of my blog for this week: Irony. I say this, because this week I found out that someone in my immediate family has been seeing someone who is HIV positive. While AIDS/HIV does exist and we have often times run into people who are positive without even knowing it, it was incredibly unexpected to think that someone I love dearly has put themselves knowingly at risk for this disease. I call it ironic because of the circumstance in addition to my enrollment in this class. Needless to say, we discussed it thoroughly and considered the risk at hand. Since my return date for my HIV results are coming up, we have decided to go together so that she may get tested as well. While none of this pleases me, I am happy about one thing: the timing. Had I not been enrolled in this class, I would not have been able to comfort or educate her in any manner besides my support really. I would not have been able to tell her about the window period, about ALL of the types of transmission, or the finite details of how the virus works.
Did You Know...HIV Risk of Different Sex Practice?
Perhaps one thing that spurred on this topic is the referral to AIDS as a "gay disease." I was interested to find why homosexuals were at such a greater risk for contracting HIV more so than heterosexuals. From anatomy and biology, we learn that the skin all over your body has different structures and makeup (stratified, simple, transitional, pseudo stratified, etc.) depending on its location. From this we can ask, why is anal sex much more risky than vaginal sex? This is because the skin and mucosa lining in the rectum has fewer cells than the vagina and can be damaged more easily (especially since things aren't meant to go in). I found statistics from the Center for Disease and Control Website that matched this inference.
This information is AIDS cases by transmission up to 2007
Male to Male Contact: 487,695
Drug Injection: Male:175,704 Female: 80,155 (255,859 total)
Male to Male Contact + Drug Injection: 71,242
Male to Female Contact: Male: 63,927 Female: 112,230 (176,157 total)
Other: Male: 12,108 Female: 6,158 (18,266 Total)
From this I calculated the percentage that people contract HIV from male to male (anal) and male to female (vaginal). Accordingly, 48% of all estimated cases are homosexuals, 6% of heterosexual men, and 11% of heterosexual women. While the percentage for heterosexuals seem small, the percentage of those infected by drug use (24% total men and women) is not accounted for transmission via intercourse. Obviously, these numbers are in accordance with the fact that anal intercourse is the number one high risk behavior. Oral sex is least risky with only 4% ( In addition, an article from AIDS/HIV claims that female heterosexuals are more at risk than male heterosexuals. This, much like the recipient of anal sex, is caused from the tearing of the mucosa lining in the woman allowing direct entrance into the bloodstream. These statistics support this inference as well as 11% of heterosexual woman are infected compared to the 6% in men.
Overall, AIDS is not a "gay disease", but rather the behavior that puts you most at risk. From a biological standpoint, having anal sex is the highest at risk behavior simply because of the skin tissue found there.
Reference List:
Cichocki, M. (2009). Retrieved Feb 24, 2010
CDC: Center for Disease and Control. (2007). Retrieved Feb 24, 2010 from
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Week Four... Approaching HIV Testing
For many of us, we assume that HIV is one single evil entity killing thousands of people at a time. But much like the common cold or flu that has multiple strands that mutate throughout the year, HIV can be divided into types, groups, and even further to subtypes!
As the diagram shows, HIV can be first categorized as either HIV-1 or HIV-2. HIV-2 is regionalized to on West Africa and is less virulent than HIV-1. This means that people living with HIV-2 have a longer time period between infection and serious illness or AIDS. While both types are spread through blood contact, intercourse, and childbirth, HIV-2 cannot be spread via sharing needles. HIV-1 is divided into groups M (major), O (Outlier), and N (New). HIV-1 group M accounts for 90% of all cases and is generally what people refer to when they say "HIV". Group M has 9 subtypes plus CRFS (circulating recombinant forms). (
Subtype B is found in the Americas, Europe, Japan, and Australia
Subtype C is found in southern/eastern Africa, and India. It accounts for half of all HIV cases and has caused the worst epidemics
Subtype A / CRFs are found in West/Central Africa and is less virulent than C or B
Now if you didn't know that HIV had that many subdivisions, let me blow your mind a little more as to how quickly HIV likes to join and compound the problem. As I briefly mentioned CRFs before, they stand for circulating recombinant forms. This means that two virus strands have replicated together or rather had "viral sex" and created a totally new subtype distinct for that person. For example, if a person has CRF A/B, they have both subtype A and subtype B. (Introduction to HIV Types, Groups, and Subtypes).
Reference List:
HIV Types, Groups, Subtypes and Strains. Retrieved February 16, 2010 from
Text and Graph 1:
Introduction to HIV Types, Groups, and Subtypes. Retrieved February 16, 2010 from
Map: The Age of AIDS; Frontline. Retrieved February 16, 2010 from
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
My Contribution
Did You Know...
The Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency (JAIDS) recently surveyed 214 African American men in California to test the percentage of them that believe in AIDS conspiracies (i.e Government Conspiracy against the Black Race, HIV does not cause AIDS, and ARTs are poison.) They found that 64% believed in at least one conspiracy, and 48% believed in more than one! This is how it divides up:
44% believe AIDS is man made
35% AIDS was created in govt laboratory
33% believe the genocidal conspiracy
17% ART are poison
22% are human guinea pigs for the government
(keeping in mind that some believe in more than one conspiracy)
Because of their beliefs, many people are refusing to take the proper medication. This means that the AIDS virus has a higher chance of spreading in addition to the person developing resistance to the drugs. It is obvious that these conspiracies are very detrimental in man's attempt to eliminate this disorder.
Reference List:
Conspiracy Theories About HIV Do Real Harm. Farrow, Kenyon. December 16, 2009. Retreieved Feb 10, 2010 from
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Really? An HIV course??
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Did You Know...about AIDS Denialism?
For the majority of us that have never heard of AIDS Denialism, examining Christine Magguire’s life may give you a better idea.
Christine Magguire had not only lived with AIDS for seventeen years, but she was also a one time activist turned skeptic. Christine’s extreme doubt of the scientific evidence behind HIV she founded two activist groups, one called Alive and Well AIDS Alternative which advocates to HIV positive pregnant women not to take the proper prenatal medication. She herself attests to unprotected sex with her husband, breast feeding both of her children, and rejecting AZT, a prescription needed during pregnancy to avoided transferring the virus to the baby. Just three years old, Christine’s second baby Eliza, died of PCP. It was AIDS related. Just 3 years later, Christine also passed away on December 28, 2008 from pneumonia. (ABC News).
In other words, Christine Magguire belongs to group of theists that believe a number of things, one of which is that HIV does not lead to AIDS. While the theory is no longer mainstream due to undeniability, these people refute all clinical and epidemiological data that does provide proof. For instance, these theories can be separated into five main ones:
1. HIV does not cause AIDS
2. Antiretrovirus Medication is Poison
3. HIV tests are flawed
4. AIDS comes from poverty and malnutrition (mainly in S. Africa)
5. The lack of westward spread goes against orthodox
(Rethinking AIDS.)
Main contributors of this group include Peter Duesberg and Henry Bauer. Duesberg was a researcher for University of California and Bauer who earned a PhD in chemistry and science studies and worked at Virginia Tech. He also has a blog which I’ve posted below along with their official websites.
1. Duesberg on AIDS:
2. Henry Bauer:
While many people do not follow AIDS Denial due to the validity of science, the existence of this group is nothing but detrimental. They are convincing thousands of people to do the complete opposite of what is needed. They help block funding of medication to parts in South Africa, a country where this theory is set deep. This means spread and sickness and not only lack of education, but misguidance. Here is a website that shows a brief description and photo of people that follow AIDS denial and have since passed.
Whats The Harm?:
Reference List:
*Death of AIDS Skeptic. Cox, Lauren, ABC News. Retrieved Feb 3, 2010, from
*Rethinking AIDS. Retrieved Feb 3, 2010, from
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Ah, Webcourses!
Let me just begin by addressing how appropriate I feel the title of this very first blog entry relays about my feelings about this course. If there is one thing I am learning from this class, its that you really need to keep up with webcourses if you have found yourself enrolled on a web course. Something I am finding out am I not so great at. Hence, the delay for the first blog lol. Anyways now that I am up and running, I would just like to be the first to admit my turn around feelings for this assignment. I originally picked pen pal, but once again due to my great fondness of checking the webcourse, I ended up with blogging, my last choice. However, actually having delved into the first assignment, I think my first research topic proved to be pretty interesting. A combination I might never have thought up without the help of google. In addition, Im looking forward to Katie's addition to the group as our HIV perspective and I hope to be getting into some good topics with each of you.
Did You Know..Hemophiliacs and Prostitutes role in HIV??
While most people in the 1980's were concerned that these people would become the "vectors" that would spread HIV to the general heterosexual population, Bernstein finds that only 10-15% of female prostitutes that were found to be infected almost always received it through intravenous drug use. Cases of "sexually acquired HIV is nearly unknown."
According to this article as well, in 1984, nearly 90% or about 15,000 hemophiliacs were infected with HIV. The average time for HIV to convert AIDS is about ten years. From this data, people would naturally conclude that all are infected or dead from the virus. However, data provides that only 1,500 of those 15,000 were actually recorded as passing onto the AIDS stage.
Overall, the main point to be reached is that HIV/AIDS does not pick out these certain characteristics for attack. Rather, those that do get infected (i.e blood transfusion, prostitutes) already have some sort of immunodeficiency. For example, those drug using prostitutes use drugs that suppress and throw their immune system out of whack. Those recipients of blood transfusions need them because their immune system is already defective. The blood itself is already suppressing the immune system, so it comes as no surprise that the larger the transfusion, the larger the immune suppression. In addition, the blood they receive could be infected with other viruses which only adds to the damage. Many people receive blood post surgery. Before this, they were under several antibiotics and opiates which all suppress the immune system making a person more susceptible.
Bernstein's main purpose of this article is to break through some of the barriers and stigmas thought by most of society by disproving stereotypes and replacing it with concrete statistics and medical logic.