Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ah, Webcourses!

Hello Fellow Classmates!

Let me just begin by addressing how appropriate I feel the title of this very first blog entry relays about my feelings about this course. If there is one thing I am learning from this class, its that you really need to keep up with webcourses if you have found yourself enrolled on a web course. Something I am finding out am I not so great at. Hence, the delay for the first blog lol. Anyways now that I am up and running, I would just like to be the first to admit my turn around feelings for this assignment. I originally picked pen pal, but once again due to my great fondness of checking the webcourse, I ended up with blogging, my last choice. However, actually having delved into the first assignment, I think my first research topic proved to be pretty interesting. A combination I might never have thought up without the help of google. In addition, Im looking forward to Katie's addition to the group as our HIV perspective and I hope to be getting into some good topics with each of you.


  1. For other webcourses you may get away with checking one a week or once a month even, but not in this class. If you don't check daily you will fall by the wayside and catching up will be difficult. You invested hundreds of dollar in taking this course now you need to invest the time.

    I am looking forward to your future blogs and your research topic. I'm hoping that Katie will also shed some light on all your topics and general comments.

    Don't be afraid to find other things to blog about, like an interesting new paper article you come across or a TV show that has an HIV theme. Anything in the area of HIV is fair game. Welcome aboard.

  2. Welcome to the course. We began seemingly in the same ship. There was a lot of information, dates, deadlines, rules, and guidelines at first. Since that initial week, it has slowed down and become almost a routine! Just from reading this single post from you, I can tell your future posts are going to be a daily read for me.

  3. Haha thanks so much Justin! I try to keep them interesting :)
